Friday, March 14, 2008

Politicians and Sex Scandals

Sorry this is a day late- I forgot about something I had to do.

It seems that men(and women) of power seem to naturally attract scandals. If it's not that serious, or if you happen to be a very charismatic person, it's fairly easy to go on and let people forget about it. But nothing seems to get Americans more riled up than a good ol' fashioned sex scandal involving persons of power. Now if we could only get this excited about serious political issues...

You would think that these people would think about the consequences that will occur if they get discovered.

Take the infamous Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky sex scandal. Not only did he deny that he had "sexual relations" with her, he did so while being President. Don't get me wrong, Bill Clinton did a lot of good things in his terms as President, but the very fact that he had sex with Monica Lewinsky while in the place of highest power in this nation is what made it so wrong. He not only violated his marriage, but he violated the trust of the American people as a whole. People started asking themselves, "Do we really need a President who, quite frankly, can't keep his pants zipped?" which paved the way for George W. Bush to cinch the presidency.

And now we have Elliot Spitzer. A man who built his whole campaign for election on good family values, not to mention being notoriously hard on prostitutes and prostitution in his time as a lawyer. There is a bit of irony that he was caught by a wiretap bill that he signed. The sad thing is that I feel kind of sorry for him. His wife looked like she wanted to kick his ass during the press conference when he tried to do damage control, and I think she will in private.

It goes to show you that some people can turn out to be the opposite of that they appear and try to portray. Bill Clinton, who we thought had strong moral values, violates his marriage and the trust of Americans while in the highest power of this country. Elliot Spitzer, the so-called family man, breaking up his marriage, paying over $80,000 to prostitutes. Of course, you can't forget my favorite, Senator Larry Craig, with a strong anti-gay record, caught soliciting gay sex in an Airport bathroom.

So politicians- if you want to have an affair while in public office, either don't do it, or resign before you do it. Don't violate the trust of the people that voted for you. They'll drag you out and destroy you.


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