Monday, March 10, 2008

Oh, the wacky world of Politics.

What a wacky news day from the political world. Here's a summary of some of the top events today.

There's a possibility that Hillary Clinton's campaign may have charged over $3,000 on a staffer's credit card without her knowing. The victim, Kathy Callahan, left the Hillary Finance Committee after she discovered the charges. If this is true, I am appalled. Not surprised, but simply appalled. Have we come so far into this mud-slinging fight that they have to try and secretly steal money? Is this how a possible future president's Committee should be run? Stealing from their own supporters? I think that there should be a law on how much money these campaigns can receive, and they have to use that money to get elected president. Top them off at 5 million for the whole deal and let's see if the presidential race doesn't become more civilized.

Barack Obama says he will not run on the ticket as a Vice President, so those who want a Hillary/Barack ticket are in for a disappointment. I know you want to be president, but do you have to be a diva and be like this? "If I can't be president, I won't be vice president." It's like a 2 year-old throwing a tantrum. If we want a better world, politicians need to figure out how to work together with people they dislike! Abraham Lincoln, widely considered one of the greatest presidents of all time, filled his cabinet with people that absolutely hated him, and look how successful his terms turned out to be!

The Senate intelligence committee is preparing to release the 4 year in the making critique of the Bush administration's claims in the buildup to war with Iraq. I can't imagine what took them so long. Hey Senate Intelligence Committee, have you been under a rock for four years? We didn't find anything close to weapons of mass destruction, and it wasn't Al-Qadea in Iraq, it's a was a war between Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds on differences in their religions. Which brings me to my second point on that subject. If Saddam Hussein was really that dangerous, why didn't you just send in some Special Forces troops to take him out? Enough people hated him that no one would have been able to trace who actually killed him! What a novel idea... now why didn't we think of that before we went and started a Civil War?

Oh, and the Iraq War will cost us $12 Billion each month in 2008. There goes your tax money. We have bridges falling down and no money to fix them, but we can somehow find $12 Billion each month to pay for a war that we're not sure will ever end? Does anyone besides me think this is absolutely ridiculous? Surely I can't be the only one that's being driven crazy by this. Let me know if you are too.


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