Thursday, January 10, 2008

What's that sound in the air...

Well, it's January, and you know what that means!

The whining of the Presidential Candidates!

I don't know about you guys, but as much as I love the craziness that is politics, I can't STAND when the candidates start sniveling and complaining about how they're getting attacked. If I'm old enough to know that as asinine as it is, that's basically what goes on during a Presidential election. You put your good (or bad) name out there, and your opponents try to tear you to bits.

Why is this such a surprise to them, I have no idea. This has gone on since before Abraham Lincoln's time, and will likely continue until the Sun explodes. (Or until we adopt another system of government.)

Don't get me wrong, I think that the attack ads are stupid, but we live in a society where there is (supposedly) free speech. I want a candidate that's going to be able to man (or woman) up and deal with this without crying to the media (or their mommy) about the so-called injustice of it all every time someone says something bad.

Memo to the Presidential Candidates- It's not the Elementary school playground anymore. You're big boys and girls. Deal with it.

~ Mer

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